Follow thy faire Sunne

夜半笙歌听出既会写写小诗又会谱谱小曲的采花老骨Thomas Campion (1567-1620)的"Follow thy faire Sunne",英国人,我只记得这家伙白发不忘风流,拼著老命给师奶献媚,糟糠老妻闭不下去了,自然拋来灼灼白眼,挺好顽。后来丹麦的异教民谣Of the Wand and the Moon拿来改编作了歌词,一字未差还敢叫改编。被当年还在为音痴狂的我翻出了老底,原来如此这般地癫狂过一阵。唉,想当年..TIME TIME TIME


So I draw my secrets - a flame so sweet
And I lose my breath - in those crystal eyes

How time flies - and how things turn

A change of winds - a stroke of wings
And a pain so grave - only gods can touch

How time dies - and how it hurts

So I draw my secrets - secrets so sweet
And I lose my faith - in those dimlit eyes

How time flies - and how it burns

—Of the Wand and the Moon 《TIME TIME TIME》